

Watching anime together

Anime is more than just cartoons. It is a whole world with deep plots, unique style of drawing and amazing atmosphere. Here you will find everything: from light comedies to serious dramas. Watching anime together in an online cinema is both a way of entertainment and an opportunity to discuss your favorite characters, plots and emotions with those who are at a distance.

Why Choose is a convenient service to watch anime with friends online. Enjoy synchronous viewing, chat and feel like part of the same company even online. Explore the world of anime and manga.

Create movie rooms, invite your friends or find new ones, and watch anime at the same time. Continue exploring the world of anime with our library, expand your list of watched stories and enjoy re-watching your favorites.

Advantages of the site

Ease of use

The easy interface allows you to quickly register, create a room and start watching. Choose anime and watch for free without complicated settings.

Shared viewing rooms

Create private rooms for general viewing with friends or open them to other viewers who are interested in your anime. This is a great opportunity not only to watch anime together, but also to meet new people with similar interests.

Flexible settings

Choose the language of the audio, turn on subtitles, adjust the video quality. The platform remembers where you left off, so you can easily continue watching at any time.

Real-time communication

Discuss the plot, characters, and unexpected moments right while watching. The chat supports text and audio formats, and you can share emotions and jokes without pausing in viewing.

Access from any device

The site for watching anime together is available on smartphones, tablets, laptops and computers. All you need is a browser and the Internet. Watch your favorite anime together in a convenient format online.

Variety of anime

From classics to fresh new releases – choose the genres that are closer to you. Short series for the evening or long anime that captivate for weeks.

Any company composition

Watch anime together, with friends or in a large group. The service is also convenient for watching alone.

User support

If you have any questions, our team is always ready to help. Write to us, and we will try to make viewing more comfortable.

Anime categories on


Legendary anime that shaped the genre. They are known and re-watched for years. A great choice for getting to know the world of anime.

Short anime

Mini-series and OVAs that can be watched in an evening or two. Perfect if you want to finish a story quickly.

Long anime series

Projects that captivate for tens or even hundreds of episodes. For those who like to immerse themselves in stories for a long time.


Anime for children. Bright, kind and instructive stories. Simple plots, positive characters, understandable values ​​- friendship, honesty, courage. An excellent choice for family viewing.


Anime for teenage boys. Dynamic plots, heroes who develop and overcome difficulties. Often includes action, adventure and humor.


Anime for teenage girls. Stories about love, friendship and personal growth. Beautiful characters, romantic plots, touching moments.


Anime for men. More complex plots, deep conflicts and dark themes. Psychology, philosophy and action are often found.


Anime for women. Realistic stories about life, relationships, career. Often reveals the psychology of the heroines and the problems of everyday life.

Fantasy and Isekai

Worlds where magic, adventure, and alternate realities form the basis of the plot. Isekai is a subgenre in which the hero finds himself in other worlds.

Science fiction

Future, technology, cyberpunk, space. Fantastic worlds where science becomes the main driving force.

Detective and psychological anime

Tangled stories, riddles, investigations. Plots that make you think. Sometimes with philosophical and psychological elements.

Comedy anime

Light and funny, which will lift your spirits. A great choice for an evening of relaxation. Lots of humor and everyday situations.


Anime about giant robots, large-scale battles and complex technologies. A genre where machines and human emotions are intertwined into a common plot.

Sports anime

Stories about team games, competitions and the fight for victory. A great choice for sports and motivation lovers.

Choose from a variety of options, create rooms and organize a joint anime viewing. Online cinema makes communication simple and interesting!